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The Husband and the Parrot
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  1. Волшебная лампа Алладина: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.
  2. Сказка про багдадского купца Али: Story of Ali Colia, Merchant of Bagdad.
  3. Сказка про пятого брата парикмахера: The Story of the Barber's Fifth Brother.
  4. Сказка про шестого брата парикмахера: The Story of the Barber's Sixth Brother.
  5. Сказка про слепого Баба-Абдалла: Story of the Blind Baba-Abdalla.
  6. Волшебный скакун: The Enchanted Horse.
  7. Сказка про завистника и того, кому он завидует: The Story of the Envious Man and of Him Who Was Envied
  8. Сказка первого дервиша (монаха) The Story of the First Calender, Son of a King
  9. Сказка про старика и старушку: The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind
  10. Сказка про короля Греции и лекаря Дубана:The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban
  1. Приключения Харон-Рашида, халифа багдадского: The Adventures of Haroun-al-Raschid, Caliph of Bagdad
  2. Супруг и попугай: The Husband and the Parrot
  3. Арабские ночи (сказки)The Arabian Nights
  4. Маленький горбун: The Little Hunchback
  5. Сказка про купца и великана: The Story of the Merchant and the Genius
  6. Нуреддин и прекрасная персиянка: Noureddin and the Fair Persian
  7. Приключения принца Камаралза и принцессы Бадуры: The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and Princess Badoura
  8. Сказка второго дервиша (монаха) The Story of the Second Calendar, Son of a King
  9. Сказка про старика и двух черных собак: The Story of the Second Old Man and of the Two Black Dogs
  10. Сказка про Сиди-Наума: The Story of Sidi-Nouman
  1. Седьмое путешествие Синдбада: The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
  2. Сказка о рыбаке: The Story of the Fisherman
  3. Сказка третьего дервиша (монаха): The Story of the Third Calendar, Son of a King
  4. Сказка про трех дервишей, сыновей короля, и пяти багдадских красавицах:The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad
  5. Сказка про двух сестер: The Story of two Sisters
  6. Сказка про наказанного визиря: The Story of Vizir Who Was Punished
  7. Сказка про королевича черного острова: The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles
Пауза, если потрогать мышкой

A good man had a beautiful wife, whom he loved passionately, and never left if possible.

One day, when he was obliged by important business to go away from her, he went to a place where all kinds of birds are sold and bought a parrot.

This parrot not only spoke well, but it had the gift of telling all that had been done before it.

He brought it home in a cage, and asked his wife to put it in her room, and take great care of it while he was away.

Then he departed.

On his return he asked the parrot what had happened during his absence, and the parrot told him some things which made him scold his wife.

She thought that one of her slaves must have been telling tales of her, but they told her it was the parrot, and she resolved to revenge herself on him.

When her husband next went away for one day, she told on slave to turn under the bird's cage a hand-mill; another to throw water down from above the cage, and a third to take a mirror and turn it in front of its eyes, from left to right by the light of a candle.

The slaves did this for part of the night, and did it very well.

The next day when the husband came back he asked the parrot what he had seen.

The bird replied, "My good master, the lightning, thunder and rain disturbed me so much all night long, that I cannot tell you what I have suffered."

The husband, who knew that it had neither rained nor thundered in the night, was convinced that the parrot was not speaking the truth, so he took him out of the cage and threw him so roughly on the ground that he killed him.

Nevertheless he was sorry afterwards, for he found that the parrot had spoken the truth.

"When the Greek king," said the fisherman to the genius, "had finished the story of the parrot, he added to the vizir, "And so, vizir, I shall not listen to you, and I shall take care of the physician, in case I repent as the husband did when he had killed the parrot."

But the vizir was determined.

"Sire," he replied, "the death of the parrot was nothing.

But when it is a question of the life of a king it is better to sacrifice the innocent than save the guilty.

It is no uncertain thing, however.

The physician, Douban, wishes to assassinate you.

My zeal prompts me to disclose this to your Majesty.

If I am wrong, I deserve to be punished as a vizir was once punished."

"What had the vizir done," said the Greek king, "to merit the punishment?"

"I will tell your Majesty, if you will do me the honour to listen," answered the vizir."

The End.

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